I am Andrei Pervychine, Tech Lead with expertise in Web & Mobile based in the United States.
Master of Science in Systems and Networks
Years of experience as web and mobile developer
Get things done, from Photoshop to the client
Background in leading technical teams
Programming for +22 years as a passion
Technical skills
JavascriptTypescriptPHPJavaC#Objective C/SwiftPython
Node.jsReact JSNextJSExpressJSReduxLaravelCode IgniterjQueryAngular JS
MySQLSQLMongoDBAWS (EC2, ElastiCache, RDS, SES, ...)
LinuxMac OSWindowsAndroidiOS
Professional Experience

Marriott Sales Companion

Manulife Factsheets




Monitor - KlarityFX
Recent Personal Projects

QuickLang: Mobile app

Shape Explorer

Traveler 208